Virtual Cyber Security Experts

Our team of certified Information Security and Data Security professionals – filling the skills gap

secure business

Understanding the Cyber Security landscape is important for all businesses and yet Cyber Security experts are hard to come by, and when you do find them, they come at a significant cost, subsequently many businesses opt for allocating the responsibilities to an existing Board or SMT member. That decision quite often works well if the person in question has the time, resource, and budget to understand and address the vulnerabilities within the business on an ongoing basis. Where that isn’t possible our Cyber Security Executives are a great alternative.

Our team of certified Information Security and Data Security professionals are here to provide guidance and advice.

From advice on information security management and risks, to long term cyber strategy advice, our operational and technical advisors can assist your inhouse resource at the level you need.

Virtual roles as:

Chief Information Security Officer

Chief Technology Officer

Data Protection Officer

Information Security Manager

Virtual Chief Information Security Officer

Able to provide advice on long term strategy, vCISO service gives you access to a resource with the experience and skills to manage information security requirements, risks and programmes while connecting people, processes and tooling technology.

Virtual Chief Technology Officer

Connecting IT functions with Information Security requirements our vCTO service provides the unique skills of an experienced specialist security architect who will ensure the functions complement each other and work to achieve the same goals. Our vCTO’s will also ensure your technology investments are suitably aligned to your short- and long-term business strategies. 

Virtual Information Security Manager

Implementing your cyber strategy to work with and not against your IT strategy will need to be overseen by someone with experience, skills and a deep understanding of the technologies as well as project management skills. Engaging our vISM experts means in house management teams can press on with strategic projects and maintain business as usual while important Information Security and Cyber strategies are implemented.

Virtual Data Protection Officer

Addressing data security risks and making sure you are meeting the standards required by GDPR and Data Protection Act when neglected can be a costly mistake, with fines for data breaches costing businesses millions. Our vDPO service will start by reviewing your data security risk, moving on to advise and where needed deliver the changes needed to mitigate as much risk as possible.     

Access expert resource for all your information security and cyber security needs. 

Contact us

We would love to hear from you. To get in touch with our team of technical experts, please fill out this form or contact us by phone or email


0345 230 0365


0345 230 0365

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